Managing Monthly Payables

Occupier's Payables feature allows users to track and manage lease-related expenses efficiently

Navigating to the Payables Tab

To view your lease-related expenses, go to the Lease Level Payables tab. By default, this tab displays the current month’s Payables for easy access to your expenses.

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Here, you will see:

  • Fixed Cost Expenses: These are automatically populated with the set monthly amounts.
  • Variable Cost Expense Shells: These placeholders appear based on the frequency and term you set during setup.

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Updating an Expense After Receiving an Invoice

When you receive an invoice and need to adjust the expense amount for that month, follow these steps:

Locate the expense shell in the Payables Table, if you do not have a recurring placeholder a one-time expense can be added using the + Add Payable button.

Click the three dots to the right of the expense.

Arrow to Edit

Select Edit from the dropdown menu.

Edit Payable Menu

In the Edit Payable screen, update the necessary fields, including Amount, Date Invoiced, Invoice Number, and Due Date. Please note, that not all fields are standard. Additional or custom fields can be added to track within Payables.
Learn more about how to add custom expense types.Edit Payable View

After populating the invoice Amount and other Payable fields and then submitting your fields, the updated expense details will be reflected in this month's Payables table.

Payables Configure Default Fields

Payables  Configuration Default in Occupier enables the auto-population of consistent fields for individual leases linked to specific expenses. These configurations simplify recurring workflows by reducing manual input for fields that remain constant each month, such as Allocation IDs or Vendor information.

Learn more about configuring Payables Defaults here

Set Up Your Payables Dashboard

To organize your payables for your workflow, exporting, and reporting, on the index-level Payables page you can configure your column headers and filter your data. 

Configure and Filter the Payables Table

    • Configure and filter your Payables Dashboard to align with your required fields.
    • Create a Saved View for efficient filtering and Monthly exporting.
Approve and Finalize Expenses
    • Ensure all expenses are complete and approved.
    • Apply your Saved Views if necessary and/ or filter for the required dates.
Export Report
    • Click Export Report to generate your payables report, the export will be based on applied Saved Views, filters, and configuration.
    • The report will be sent to your email