Lease Status in Lease Admin

Types of Status  
Committed The commencement date is in the future

The lease is currently with the term the expiration date is in the future

Expired The lease expiration date has past
Pending Termination The lease has been terminated with the a future termination date
Termination The lease has been terminated

Occupier has a few different lease statuses in admin - Active, Committed, Expired, Terminated, and Pending Termination. Learn more about each here

The status of a lease in Occupier's lease administration is tied to the term dates of the lease. 

If a lease has a "committed" status,  that means the lease commencement date is in the future. Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 10-17-06 AM-png

If a lease has an "Active" status, that means the commencement date is in the past and the expiration date is in the future. 

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If the status is "Expired", that means the lease's expiration date has passed. 

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The only way to change these statuses is to change either the commencement or expiration dates by editing or amending the lease in Occupier.  

Lastly, the "Terminated" and "Pending Termination" statuses in Occupier are the result of terminating the lease within the system. To learn how to terminate a lease in Occupier, check out this article

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