Where/how do I change a "Pending Approval" or "Pending Changes" measurement in Occupier?

When a lease is in "Pending Approval" or "Pending Changes", you can edit a lease in Occupier to make any changes necessary to the lease.

If you identify an error in a measurement and need to correct it, you can update the lease ONLY if it is within the "Pending Approval" or "Pending Changes" status. Note, this is only applicable to the most recent measurement in Occupier. To "Edit" a the lease within Occupier, follow these steps:

Step 1- Go to the Lease's page you need to update:Step 2- Select "Measurements" tab:

Step 3: Select the most recent measurement's drop down: 

Step 4: Select "Edit" in the bottom of the measurement summary:

Step 5- Change any measurement data in the wizard as needed.

Measurement Data includes: Measurement Date, Lease Payments, Incentives, Costs, Deferred rent, Discount Rate and type of lease.

Step 6- Hit the green "Submit" button and the measurement tab will be changed accordingly.