Custom Expense Type

In addition to base rent expenses tenants can have additional rent expenses, Occupier enables Users to add custom expense types.

What is an Expense Type?

An Expense Type is a categorizing feature to organize and track your additional costs within Occupier. Custom expense types allow Occupier users to be very specific about what your additional rent expenses are. This enables you to look at the breakdown of different expense types when viewing your rent schedule in Occupier, so you know exactly how much you are spending and what expense you are paying for. 

Example: If you have a deferred rent payback schedule, you could add “Deferred Rent Payback” as a custom additional expense type. 

Standard Occupier Expense Types

CAM Internet Storage
Electricity Marketing Fund Charge Taxes
Heating Opex Trash
HVAC Other Utilities
Insurance Parking Water

How to Create a Custom Expense Type:

Step 1: To create a custom expense type, from your Occupier home page click on the person icon in the upper right corner. From that dropdown menu, select settings. 

Step 2: From here, click on the categories menu item from the left hand menu.

Step 3: From this categories section, navigate to the expense type tab at the top of the page.

Step 4: This is where you will be able to see a full list of all the expense types that are already in your Occupier account and add additional expense types. To add an additional expense type, click on the navy blue Add Expense Type button in the upper right corner. From here, just type in the expense type name and click submit.

Step 5: Once you click submit, the custom expense type will be created. You will see your new custom expense type when you go to add additional rent expenses to a lease agreement. The custom expense type will be on the list in the expense type dropdown, as shown below.