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  2. Getting Started
  3. Occupier Onboarding & Abstraction

Uploading Documents for Onboarding

What should I upload?

Occupier abstraction involves the review and capture of your provided Relevant Documents. Any Other Documents provided will be uploaded to their respective Occupier lease entry and will not be processed for abstraction.

Relevant documents are those that impact the data that Occupier captures. These include (but are not limited to):

● Original lease

● Addendums

● Amendments/Extension documents

● Estoppel certificates

● Letters/Emails that modify lease dates, rent schedules, lease terms



Other documents are those related to a specific location but don’t impact the data that Occupier captures:

● Additional Rent Reconciliation Letters

● Site maps

● Photos

● COIs

● Broker Engagement Letters

● Guarantees

● Franchise Agreements


● Letters of Intent

● “Welcome” packets