How to export the contacts tab

Why did we build this?

In every lease, a landlord’s notice address is specified. This is valuable information that gets added to the lease page within Occupier. Users can also add additional persons of interest as contacts into Occupier for each lease. The contacts tab gives you an aggregate view of all your contacts across all the leases in your portfolio. 

What does it do?

All of this valuable contact information can be viewed from the contacts tab within Occupier, but it can also be exported to an excel csv file. This enables you to manipulate the data however you want, or maybe even import the data into another system. 

How to use it

Step 1: To export the contacts tab, simply click the carrot below Lease Admin from the left hand menu of your Occupier homepage as shown below. From the dropdown menu, select contacts.

Step 2: This is where you will be able to see a list of all the contacts associated with every lease in your portfolio. You can see their email address, first and last name, the lease name they are associated with, company and location. As stated previously all of this data can be easily exported to an excel spreadsheet.

Step 3: To export your contacts, click on the "Create Export" button which is located in the right corner above the data table.

Step 4: Go to your email inbox and click the link to download your report. 

The export will include each contact's email address, first and last name, the lease name that they are associated with, their city and state, company, mobile phone number, work phone number and job title.