User Access & Types in Lease Accounting

Currently, if you provide access to the Lease Accounting module to any user you are providing access to allow that user to perform every task available. 

For example, any user with access to Lease Accounting can download reports, complete measurements, and delete measurements. There is not a current capability to provide "Read Only" access. 

However, in order to make changes to leases, we do have an embedded approval process. Before a lease can be marked as a "Complete" lease, that lease must be approved. 

Therefore, if you are worried about access rights, we highly recommend establishing internal roles in the lease accounting process to promote a segregation of duties. For instance, one person can measure leases while the other approves all leases.

How do I provide access to Lease Accounting?

To provide someone access to the Lease Accounting module, you must have Admin access to Occupier. To provide access, follow these steps: 

Step 1: Go to Settings

Step 2: Go to "User/Team Settings"

Step 3: Go to the person you would like to provide access to and select the three dots on the right hand side, hit "edit":

Step 4: Select "Yes" to "Would you like to allow access to lease accounting?"

Step 5: Hit "Submit"